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«In this way, we recognize the best companies to the extent that they collaborate with others and outsource as much as possible, and for a simple reason: the fields of competence are now so complex that no company can master them alone. The resort to outsourcing it allows to reduce certain personnel costs to favor the hiring of specialists. » (from «The Earth is Flat» by Thomas L. Friedman)
«De esta manera, reconocemos a las mejores empresas en la medida en que colaboran con otras y externalizan lo máximo posible, y por una razón simple: los ámbitos de competencia son ahora tan complejos que ninguna empresa puede dominarlos sola. El recurso a la externalización permite reducir ciertos costes de personal para privilegiar la contratación de especialistas.» (desde «La Tierra es plana» de Thomas L. Friedman)
To give the best prime international sales service to our loyal International SMEs we are open and glad to establish a long term profesional relationship with firms (digital marketing, sales agents, import&export experts, logistic services, etc) around the world in a local markets in EU, Latam, China, India, etc.